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Three Channels Video/Colour/Sound/HD, 8’15”, 2013

This work was created in my hometown, and all actors were local farmers. We can found boars for breeding wandered in the wild in my hometown. After its job done, the master would drive it home and the sun was nearly down. This impressed me deeply, and I tried to understand and imagine the world of the boar in this work: what it would meet? A man who was running around wildly without purpose and aupset man who was nowhere to go composed a image in this boar’s eye and one part of my memory and imagination.

Single Channel Video/Color and Black & White/Sound/HD, 9’03”, 2015

There is no swan,nor is there any lake appears in the work “Swan Lake”,only ducks from the produce market, a single among which moves ceaselessly between thick vapours,stumbling across other ducks either already dead or on the verge of being so.Just like the other members of its species,this duck too faces the unavoidable fate of becoming a dish for the dinner table.Prior to this however,it floats upon warm waters,thinking perhaps about rather more than it might seem.