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Curator: Inna Xu
Associate Curator: Liu Tian
Artist: Chen Yujun, Fang Wei, Guo Xi, Huang Songhao, Liao Wenfeng, Li Jianhong, Wu Junyong, Yu Qiongjie, Zheng Hong, Zhou Yilun
Date: 2014.06.28-07.27
Opening: 2014.06.28, 15:00
Venue: No. 465, Hefang Street
Add: No. 465, HeFang Street
Organizer: Inna Art Space

Notes-Coordinates: The Principles and Trajectories of a Space

Pleasures - Convictions


The present is both stirring up the fervour of progress, at the same time as it propagates an aesthetics of the cuteness and naivety, an apparent paradox that harbours within itself a coherent framework of desire, the extremes of which converge in a single deficit. The greatest difficulty this presents in fact hinges on the matter of how exactly one progresses, stoically; avoiding binaries of ends and means or tangible things and mere accessory values. It is for these reasons that the issue of unifying ones pleasures with ones convictions assumes such unprecedented importance.


Pragmatically speaking, when an individual or a given structure for instance engages in some affair - regardless of how apparently minor - all stumble upon this quandry, itself a construct of society as a whole. As an essentially self sufficient, small structure, it is the stoicism of the Inna Contemporary Art Space that seems most worthy of attention here. This quality originates it seems in a diminution of self to the “0” degree, not only a conscious decision not to covet grand schemes, but also a refusal to self aggrandise or to make do merely with existing systems; so all that remains is to distill the imaginative potential of ones ideals; taking a certain quotient of pleasure to bring about the conviction required to broach the unknown and strange and stave off the adverse potentials of mere status based acclaim. One hopes there might be some pleasure in all this too and, resting on connections regulated by the systems of social production, fosters in ones self the equanimity required to confront the aforementioned frameworks of desire, not seeking external impulses or conventional acclaim; never shirking to promote those things that are of real value. 


No. 465, HeFang Stree

Six years in time is not that long; nor is it short. Like a life force newly emerged, the Inna Contemporary Art Space has grown to thrive within this time. The decision to suspend temporarily our activities at the flagship space on Hefang Jie is a regulatory measure in our development, one made in mind of more distant, future potentials. Although it is not without bitterness and sorrow that we do this, it is nonetheless necessary for us to bid it farewell for now.


In the pure white interior of this lakeside space, each stage of these six years has had its specific tone: some were heavy, others light; some dark, others bright. There has been bitterness, fatigue and also sweetness, but throughout it all there has run consistently a single common factor, this being our own investing heart and mind in our endeavours. By means of the unbroken series of our exhibition activities, our communications and mutual understanding have been much augmented, making life that bit more interesting. The way I see it, the Inna Contemporary Art Space has always maintained a principled effort to integrate art and the everyday; having in some respects even managed to realise this to an extent. Now, whenever any of our patrons - all varying in their age and walk of life - expresses to us that they will miss us when we’re gone, I realise frequenting the Inna Contemporary Art Space’s Hefeng Jie premises has already become a part of many people’s lives.


A Memorial to Our Infancy

【 The Best of Times 】

Exactly which period of time isn’t that significant, since time as a whole has been absolved of idle waste. It’s exactly because time has been absolved in this way, that we can haul up a given period from memory, beating off the dust that’s accrued and sighing, that these were the best of times.


——Hou Hsiao-Hsien


In August of this year, the Inna Contemporary Art Space will close its flagship space by the Westlake. News of this has already caused something of a stir around Hangzhou. 


Many people have e-mailed, others have called, all expressing they find the notion difficult to contend with. During the period of its existence, the Inna Contemporary Art Space has surmounted various obstacles, upholding throughout its standards, striding out alone and moving very much at its own pace. Attending exhibitions at the space has become a part of many people’s lives. It really seems that this small, not for profit space has become one of Hangzhou’s key cultural sites. After these six years, the Inna Contemporary Art Space can surely only progress on to better things. Why then choose to close such a vital space, just when it nears the advent of its best of its times?


Although we do so reluctantly, we have to close the space now, if only to make things better. Nonetheless, the Inna Contemporary Art Space will always remain in Hangzhou.
